Lose Stomach Fat in 10 Minutes Per Workout
If I told you that you could lose fat by doing 10 minute
workouts would you believe me?
What if I told you that you could get a better fat loss
workout done in 10 minutes than one that takes 60 minutes? Would you think I'm
a nut? Or worse, a liar?
Well I'm not and I'm here to tell you that you can lose
stomach fat by doing a workout that only lasts 10 minutes and that it is better
than a workout that lasts 60 minutes.
You're a busy person and I'm willing to bet that it's pretty
tough for you to find 60-90 minutes a few times per week to fit in a good fat
burning workout. Or if you can find the time you usually feel guilty because it
means more time away from your family or work.
But can you find 10 minutes? Of course you can! Everybody
can find 10 minutes to fit in an awesome fat loss workout.
You might have to get up a little earlier. You might have to
do it when the kids go to bed, or you might have to sneak it in over your lunch
It doesn't matter when it is because you do have an extra 10
minutes a day to fit in an effective fat loss workout.
So here's what you do:
I want you to warm-up for a couple minutes by doing a
circuit of 10 push-ups and 10 bodyweight squats. Do as many circuits as you can
in 2 minutes with little to no rest between exercises.
I then want you to take your pick of the following 2
circuits and do the circuit as many times as possible in 10 minutes.
Lunge (10 per leg)
1-Leg Push-up (10)
Mt. Climber (30)
Jump Squat (8)
Rest for 30 seconds then repeat
Decline Push-up (10)
DB Swing (10)
Reverse Lunge (10 per leg)
DB Bent Over Row (10)
If you do those circuits right, you'll be sweating and
breathing very hard at the end of your 10 minutes and you'll keep your
metabolism ramped up all day long, which means you'll burn lots and lots of fat
even while you're not exercising.
Also because of the way these workouts are set up, you can
do them everyday of the week. There's no need to wait a day between the
workouts, just rotate them so you do the same workout every other day.
Source: http://www.streetdirectory.com
Foto: www.womenshealthsa.co.z
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