Thursday, April 26, 2012

Weight Loss & Diet Plans

Weight Loss & Diet Plans
If you have tried diet plans to lose weight but not been successful, it is probably because you did not prepare a balanced one. You do not need to starve yourself to lose weight and neither should you ignore your cravings too much. Train yourself to eat nutritious foods instead of harmful junk. You also need to train yourself the right way of eating and drinking.

Comprehensive Weight Loss Diet Plan
  • Weight Loss Menu – You need to keep tabs on your daily calorie intake. Make a list of foods that you can eat daily and achieve your aim of weight loss. Evaluate yourself on the BMI scale to know about your ideal weight. Note down what you have eaten daily and monitor this with your exercises. You can understand the difference between your calories intake and calories burned in this way.
  • Weekly Monitoring – It is advisable to make short goals to achieve your aim. A week is convenient time period to start with. If you find that your diet and mild exercise plan is helping you lose weight, it will motivate you to continue. Aim to lose a pound in the week.
  • Include foods you like - Your diet plan for weight loss should include some of your favourite foods too. Just make sure that you include the healthy ones or understand the portion. The food guide pyramid can help you to make a comprehensive diet chart for losing weight.
  • Tips to Avoid Overeating – Do not visit the grocery hungry, do away with second servings in your meals, drink 3 to 4 litres of water daily as fillers and prefer fruits and vegetables as snacks. Spend time in shredding and dicing fruits and vegetables into smaller portions to make fruity snacks or variety of salads. These tips can save you from habitual overeating.
  • Eating Right – Drink water at least half an hour before your meal, Chew your food to a pulp before swallowing so that saliva is completely mixed with it and make sure you drink water an hour after your meals. Following these rules of healthy eating will ensure that you give your metabolism the best chance of digestion.
  • Drinking Right – Do not gulp down the whole glass in one go. Drink water in sips. Try to mix as much of your saliva with it before taking it down. Saliva has enzymes which assist in digestion.

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